The top winners of the first round of the Palestine World Literature Prize in 2022

The top winners of the first round of the Palestine World Literature Prize in 2022

The top winners of the first round of the Palestine World Literature Prize in 2022

A total of 311 entries were submitted from 17 countries, including Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, the Maghreb, Algeria, Holland, Australia, the UAE, Qatar, Tunisia, Indonesia, and Denmark. These entries were in the categories of stories, novels, diaries, and children’s literature. The first round of the award was concluded in Beirut, with the attendance of resistance literature writers, Palestinian activists, and guests from various countries.

Field of Diaries

The first book: Men Jamar ila Jamar, Safahat Men Zikriyat. Munir Shafiq. Palestine

The second book: Rehla Lam taktamel Mohatat Ala Tariq-el Moqavemah

Abu Ala Mansour (Mohammed Yusuf). Palestine

The third book: Rahla fi Matahat al-Asr: The captured author Rafat al-Burini. Palestine

Children’s Literature and Poetry

First: Ajras-elAwda. Adriana Ibrahim, Syria

Second: Anin Al-Aqsa, Feda Ahmad Ghazi Al-Zamr, Jordan

Third: Shamkh al-Batal al-Saghir, Egypt. Al Sayed Abdul Aziz Ali Najm.

Short Story

First: Taqasim al-Falestini. Sana Kamel Shaelan .Jordan

Second: We don’t have it

Third: Va Tariat al-Huriya. Raeda Ali Ahmed, Lebanon


First. We don’t have

The second and third prizes are shared

Second: Al-Zal al-Mu’tam Bel Sura (Haba Al-Husaini) of Egypt

Second: Tire. Hossein Ali Jafari Iran

3rd: Tel Aviv Saqatat (Somaya Ali Hashem), Lebanon

Third: Her Eyes in Jerusalem. Maryam Moqani, Iran

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